Apprenti ingénieur en informatique, j’apprends à concevoir et réaliser des sites web, des applications logiciels ou encore des applications mobiles
Passioné par l’informatique, j'apprécie particulièrement découvrir et maîtriser une nouvelle technologie pour réaliser un projet ou trouver des solutions innovantes

2014 – 2017 : Polytech Lyon / Econocom

Ecole d’ingénieur en Informatique en Alternance à Lyon

2012 – 2014 : Université Lyon 1

Diplôme Universitaire Technologique en Informatique option Mathématiques à Bourg en Bresse

2009 – 2012 : Lycée du Parc

Baccalauréat Scientifique option Sciences et Vie de la Terre en spécialité Physique Chimie à Lyon (Mention Bien)
Voir les projets réalisés

& Funky

We try new things

Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking disruptive user experience iPad social media angel investor alpha. Social proof lean startup alpha scrum project non-disclosure agreement. 



Cups of coffee


Bicycle kilometres


Brainstorm sessions


Video hours

we do

We exist to create

Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking disruptive user experience iPad social media angel investor alpha. Social proof lean startup alpha scrum project non-disclosure agreement.



Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking disruptive user experience iPad social media angel investor alpha.

Web Design

Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking disruptive user experience iPad social media angel investor alpha.

Graphic Design

Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking disruptive user experience iPad social media angel investor alpha. 

Our clients
love our work

But don’t just take our word for it...

“ABC Agency our the best. Not only did they deliver my work on time, they even walked my dog when I was out of town”
A Smith – Neighbour

“I don’t like people, but I make an exception for ABC Agency. They’re pretty damn cool.”
Brian Jones,  America Big Corporation


We make beautiful things

Focus infographic venture business model canvas gamification ecosystem. Business plan gamification user experience low hanging fruit twitter. Metrics research & development market paradigm shift growth hacking.

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